Blog Update -- Mile Marker 1507
I got Noro again! Super frustrating!! Speaking of frustrating, kittatinny ridge in PA and NJ wasn't very great. Southern PA, and even up until my last update really wasn't all to bad. But for 155 miles in eastern PA and western NJ we hit the section of rocks that everyone talks about. Now, were they truly as bad as everyone says? It depends on where you are from. Having done a lot of hiking in NH and ME, a rocky trail is not new to us. I could see though that if someone was from Tennessee that they'd find Kittatinny ridge absolutely horrible. Going into PA and hearing the horror stories of "rocksylvania," I figured that there would be endless miles of sharp and impossible rocks. In reality, these sections lasted rarely more than a half mile at a time. What made them seem long though was how they destroyed your hiking rythym. Instead of just being able to step, you constantly had to chose your step with a pretty decent deal of caution to avoid either slipping on a...