Blog Update -- Mile Marker 823.4

I've been meaning to write a really good post for awhile but a bad one will have to do. 

We've been loving central Virginia. The weather has been great, there's barely any people, and the hiking has been hard yet completely within reason. 

We are 2 days our from starting the Shenandoahs. For the past couple days, and this description will include tomorrow as well, we've been knocking out the hardest section since the nanthahala section probably. These mountains go allllllll the way down and then allllll the way up. Each day there's at least 1 climb that goes down to 800 feet and then back up to 4,200 feet. And with the 80 degree sun beaming down on us, it's hot! 

It's been really rewarding hiking a new section of trail, and it's extremely hard to believe that we are less than 180 miles from the 1000 mark. 

As for the lack of blog posts, I haven't really had the motivation or time. I'm aware that documenting this trip will provide a lifetime of enjoyment, but getting to camp after 26 miles, planning out the next day, texting and/or calling loved ones, and taking a moment to myself, doesn't leave me with a bunch of time. Usually we wake up around 6:15 or 6:30, have breakfast done and camped packed up slightly before 8, and then hike until 6:30 or 7, eat dinner, setup camp, hang the bearlines, and it's 8 already. By the time I get in touch with everyone, it's close to 10, and I'm exhausted. 

I know the blog posts don't have to be anything fancy but I like doing them justice and for awhile I would fall asleep writing them every night. At that point, sleep is just more valuable. 

Regardless, I'll try to do an update or recap whenever we're in town and I'm not rushed. That way people can still follow along -- which I appreciate. 

Upcoming schedule: 
Waynesboro - 2 days
Elkton - 4 or 5 days
Front royal - 7 or 8 days 
Harpers ferry - no more than 10 days

Recap since last check in:
Hiked from mile marker 636 to 823
Probably went up and down at least 40,000 up, and 40,000 feet down. The elevation has been intense.

Few other things to note, the blackflies are out and they're swarming me like usual. Walker had a tick on him the other day but so far Spencer and I have been fine. It's barely rained and we haven't gotten soaked through since clingmans dome / mile marker 200 (this is unbelievable), and we still haven't been seeing many thru hikers -- not sure where everyone is, but we don't care about that last part anyways. 

I appreciate everyone who still checks this blog.

All the best, 
Tyler M.


  1. thanks for the update! yes, we've been checking. at 800 + miles, most of the thru hikers are most probably way behind. thanks for including the estimated destination days

  2. Black flies aren't fun at all hopefully you at least have a head net. At least they're a relatively short term pest, you're making great time be safe out there.

    Uncle Steve

  3. I have been following along the whole time. It's like reading a book of your adventure with valuable information. I plan on doing a thru hike in a couple of years, God willing, when I retire. This way I have as long as I want, within reason to complete the hike and enjoy every step. Look forward to your updates. I would like to buy you dinner at your 1000 mile marker for sharing your experience/celebration. Please let me know how I can send you some money. I have Venmo, cash app and PayPal. Continued Success and safe travels.


    1. Hey Daniel, that's very gracious of you. Send me an email at and we can talk more over there. Happy to discuss your plans for the trail as well. I appreciate it!

    2. Email sent.. Have a great day !


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