Day 6

It never ceases to amaze me how comfortable a real bed is. 

I woke up to my alarm going off at 7 this morning, and a text from Kristina at 7:01. When I'm back home, we usually spend the morning together before she heads off to work. Although we usually call each night while I'm on the trail, it was nice to return to my normal routine of starting the day off right. 

I slept pretty well last night. Around 10 I realized that I was melting into the pillow and blankets, so I figured it was about time to head off. 

I tossed and turned a couple of times during the night but I woke up feeling quite refreshed, which of course works for me.

After eating leftover pizza and cracking into my food bag since I bought slightly to much, we were picked up by our shuttle at 10:30. After a 20 minute car ride, we were back at mile marker 69.4, Dicks creek gap.

Our goal for the day was to hit a campsite at white oak gap, mile marker 82 on the AT. Now, from 11am to last light at 7pm, going 12.6 miles would usually not be a challenge. However, throughout our day we were required to climb 4485 feet up, while also descending 2275 feet. Really, today kicked my butt. 

Walker commented that the Blue, Rocky, and Tray mountain day was harder than today, but I am of the opposite mindset. My issue is that I need a warmup in the morning before going straight uphill. Even a gradual uphill would work -- but when it's straight up first thing in the morning my calves get sore really quick. 

Regardless, we ended up making decent time, getting to camp around 515. Most of the day was spent pushing uphill into the thick fog in front of us. 

There was something that we were looking forward to, and that was the North Carolina state line. At 3:20, we took our final steps in Georgia. Although Georgia treated us extremely well, I do not want to do the Georgia section of the AT ever again, or at least not until I do the rest first. 

In typical north Carolina / nanthahalla national forest fashion, our first night is dense fog and rain. In 2020, we didn't see the sun for 6 days straight through this section, and it's looking like it'll be the same way again. We might have one day at least that won't rain -- that'll be nice. 

Another aspect that made today slightly harder is that we had 4 full days of food. This has been our longest food carry up to this point, and coupled with me slightly overbuying food, my pack was full. Still, I'm estatic to have made it back into north Carolina, and to have been able to set up my tent before the rain picked up. We made camp at a good time. 

The plan for tomorrow will either be a 15.5 or 17.5 mile day. Just depends on how we're feeling and the trail conditions. Unlike today, where the uphill never ended, we only have one big climb, which is standing Indian mountain, which rests at roughly 5,300 feet. 

Daily recap:
- hiked 12.6 miles
- from mile marker 69.4 to 82
- from Dicks creek gap to white oak gap 
- high temp was 60 and rain
- low temp (morning) not sure I was inside
- low temp (tonight) 55
- ascent: 4,485 feet
- descent: 2,275 feet. 

Looking forward to a slightly easier day tomorrow. 

Thanks for following along.
Tyler M.


  1. You guys are doing great! Proud of y’all! Praying that you three have an easier day today!


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