Day 17

We did exactly what you'd expect from a zero today -- absolutely nothing. 

For breakfast I got a huge meal at the cracker barrel and for dinner I did a ginormous meal at a local Mexican place -- so much that I think my stomach almost exploded. The Mexican food was incredible. 

Apart from that, I showered, did laundry, and did a minor 2 day resupply. There's been a decent amount of rain that has come down today, so it's been nice being indoors. 

I'll certainly get a other good night of sleep tonight, and I'm looking forward to getting back on trail tomorrow. Hot Springs here we come. 

Thanks for following along. 
Tyler M.


  1. Tyler,
    I think your posts are spot on in regards to the scenic beauty,
    difficulty and the terrain in general. Looking up at the same stars which the original trail goers would have used for navigation is unfathomable.
    Imagine the conditions if you did not have the hi tech gear, the resupply points, the capacity to get out of the elements...say you did this 500 years ago and had to forage along the way, what a consideration to think about.
    Uncle Steve


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