Day 36

Well, we finally finished the approach trail to Virginia.

There was a single focus today -- get to Damascus ASAP. 

We woke up and started moving at 7. After packing up, eating breakfast, using the bathroom, and filling up water, we were on trail by 8:30. 

While filling up water at low gap right after our campsite, we had a SUV fly by us, slam on the brakes, throw the car in reverse, roll down his windows, and ask us if we wanted any cold beer. It was 8:30... lo and behold, we declined the guys offer. Can't say I've had that experience before. Especially since he really insisted. Whatever -- we're just not the 8:30 am AT Thru hiker beer drinkers I guess...

Anyways, our day was super simple. Just like yesterday, we had a series of ridge walks that were even easier than the day before. 

At 11:50, we hit the VA line! And by 12:45 we were walking through the downtown streets of Damascus. Not much had changed in the small southern town, but like many areas that relied on small business to generate income, we could really tell that covid hit the town hard. The stores had odd hours, some had closed down, and places were looking for workers. It really is so disheartening what covid, or more our governmental response, did to small town business -- I won't get over that. 

Our afternoon and evening was spent eating, relaxing, doing laundry, and getting our resupply. We only set off the fire alarm one time tonight while cooking 15 sausages in the oven, so I'd say that's a win. 

As for the upcoming forecast, we should hit Marion in 3.5 days, chuck's place 2 days after that, and then Pearisburg 2 days after. So, in roughly 1 week, we'll be back to where walker and I quit in 2020. 

I'm looking forward to being back there, for the most part. There's still certainly some frustration that we ever got off in the first place, but that's in the past, and I've pretty much come to terms with that. 

I think it'll be really rewarding getting past there and in some sense, stepping into a blank canvas. Although the trail up the pearisburg has been an adventure, I've remembered most of it; the rivers, the mountains, the climbs, the descent, the towns, and the campsites. I'm looking forward to experiencing a new section of woods, and seeing what central and northern Virginia have to offer. And the rest of the trail after that of course. But first, we've got to get through the next week. 

Daily recap: 
- Total miles hiked: 15.5
- From mile marker 455.9 to 471.4
- A campsite .2 south of US 421 / low gap to dancing bear inn in damascus
- High temp: 45 and partly sunny
- Low temp (morning): 35 and cloudy
- low temp (tonight): I'm inside 
- Total ascent: 2,150 feet
- Total descent: 3,602 feet


  1. Nice progress guys, so after reaching your stop point last will be new territory.
    Uncle Steve


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